Here is a quick script that will copy backinfo.exe to a PC and create a registry setting to run at logon.
Put Backinfo.exe and Backinfo.ini in a folder called Backinfo (e.g. c:\temp\Backinfo) and run this script from the temp folder.
robocopy.exe Backinfo "C:\Program Files\Backinfo"
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name BackInfo -Type String -Value "C:\Program Files\BackInfo\Backinfo.exe"
#Run it now
CD "C:\Program Files\BackInfo\"
I run it using a batch file from the same location:
powershell.exe -executionpolicy Bypass -file ./backinfo.ps1
Also see my other post for more info and to download backinfo –
Here is a complete file with the scripts, batch file and backinfo files. Just extract it somewhere and run the batch file: backinfo
Pingback:Download Backinfo – desktop background computer information utility – Cloudrun
Pingback:Download Backinfo - desktop background computer information utility - Cloudrun